Advanced Chakra Diagnosis and Treatment Workshop Taught By Janna Moll

Janna Moll, MSN, HTCP/I, CMT
Janna Moll, MSN, HTCP/I, CMT

Janna Moll teaches an advanced course for experienced Energy Practitioners called Advanced Chakra Diagnosis and Treatment. I took this class about three months ago and immediately started working with much of the new material and techniques in my Healing Practice. This class is incredibly practical and significantly deepened my understanding of the energy system. I highly recommend this course.

Janna Moll is the founder and President of Energy Medicine Specialists, an organization that offers beginner to advanced practice coursework in the field of Energy Medicine. She also has a private practice in Highlands Ranch Colorado, called the Heart Healing Center. In her energy practice, she combines her training in multiple energy disciplines that include Healing Touch, Reiki, Polarity, Pranic, Reconnection, EFT, Therapeutic Touch, psychotherapy and coaching.

"Janna's Board"
“Janna’s Board”

Janna Moll studied Healing Touch with founder Janet Mentgen, and has studied with about every healer in the book. She is not shy about sharing her ideas and opinions in class, or at lunch, about what works in her practice and what doesn’t. For me, this alone was quite helpful on many levels.


Clarity. Janna Moll has clarity.


In this short post I will contain my enthusiasm for this class to three other main points:

One: This class significantly shifted my working model of the chakra system. Janna works with scientist Dale Ferg, who contributed much of the physics research in EMS courses. I am not going to go into the details here, but my perception of the chakras changed. I have to admit that this was a little unnerving the first day, yet this was the second biggest take-away from the class for me. My “new” perception of the chakra system is giving me more information in my client’s sessions.

Trading Healings Photo by Grace Gowan
“Trading Healings” Photo by Grace Gowan

Two: The healings I received in this class were exceptionally profound for me. Maybe I just really needed the energy work or maybe I was just ready to go to my next level. Everyone in the class gave and received different types of treatments all three days and I also heard many of the other practitioners say the same thing about their healings.  Janna Moll and class coordinator Grace Gowan created and sustained an exceptional energetic container for the class.

Three:  Janna Moll is a fireball. Three days with Janna Moll is super fun. I know “fun” is not a requirement for an advanced energetic healing class, but hey, three days is a long time and I think it’s important to know what you are getting into.

I would like to thank Grace Gowan in Sunnyvale for coordinating this class. Grace will also be coordinating the Advanced Hara Diagnosis and Treatment for Janna in 2015. Dates will soon be posted on Janna’s website.

I can’t wait!

Jeri Lawson is available for Healing Touch, Reiki and Clarity Breathwork sessions Monday through Friday, 10am to 6pm, in the Temescal Area of Oakland, California. 510-601-9632